"The Scorpion King" is a prequel from the "Mummy" franchise. However, fans of the previous "Mummy" movies may be in for a disappointment. Granted, the imagery may be impressive, and the action is exciting, but apart from a very few details, "Scorpion King" may as well be a completely different movie. In quality, it fares about as well as the average sword-and-sandal epic. There is a camp factor that hangs over the story, that you feel when listening to some passages of dialogue. Also noticebale are Grant Hislov's comic relief role as Arpid, and Kelly Hu as the belly-baring sorceress Cassandra. Wrestling fans may enjoy this vehicle for the Rock, but I don't think many others will.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Scorpion King is not exactly the best movie in the world but have a good scenes of action is reasonable fun and good to watch. Don't expected a sequel of the Mummy, this movie is more like Connan in the Desert, than the Mummy. However, it's a good movie to see, but i advise you to watch in the cable TV.
'Sentiment: Negative âšī¸'
Its not as great as the mummy films, and it felt more like a cheap tv show. However, the performance by dwayne wasnt all that bad. Overall still not enough to say what a decent action adventure.